Today was the best so far from last Wednesday’s chemo. Saturday was a bit rough. I just could not get out of bet Saturday. I felt blah! For me that is unusual. I am always on the go doing something. It takes a lot to slow me down. Hubby took my temp went he came home. I should have done that. I had a 100.3 fever. I took some tylenol and it went down a little and was gone by morning.
The concern is that if it goes to 100.5 or higher and there are other signs of infections, I would need to go right to the hospital. I am relieved that I am feeling better. I was getting a little concerned.
Today was such a beautiful day! The kids were home Gil did some yard work for a family friend and Kate had a friend over and road the quad. The dogs were jealous when Kate went off with her friend. The were whining in distress without her attention.
We had a nice Easter dinner at Mom and Dad Myers on Sunday. Great weather with blooming flowers.
Thank you for your prayers! Two more rounds to go and then radiation. 🙂
I am home now from chemo. I do not feel too bad. I am surprisingly awake with more energy than I thought. The weekend after chemo for me really drags. I sleep a lot.
A woman did sit down with me towards the end. She had breast cancer too. She just found and was there for a treatment for a blood disorder she has had for the last 7 years. Her white blood cells are eating her red blood cells. So now she found that out she has cancer among other difficult challenges recently in her life. She also told me that the bones in her arms and legs ache. The doctors are giving her all kinds of tests to see if the cancer has spread as they suspect. She admitted waiting too long to see a doctor after suspecting something was wrong. She was sleeping when I left. She had a wonderful friend there with her. The friend was organizing all her tests and making sure she got to them.
I am at chemo as I write this. I saw Dr. Ellis last Wednesday and he was pleased at how I was doing. Right now they are checking my blood counts to make sure everything is ok and I do not need any blood.
The office is extremely quiet this week. It may be because I got here so early. There is no one yet in my cubicle to chat with yet.
The doctor told me, as I may have mentioned before, that I am on the meds that I am on because the first drug of choice was already used on me for my bone cancer in 2006. It is unusual, so the medical team recommended the that I take 6 rounds of this chemo instead for the 4 that is normal for patients on these drugs (Taxotere and Cytoxen).
I am starting to get drowsy.
This round has been the best ever. The additional meds the doc gave me made such a difference. I think I got more of my energy back sooner and did not feel as sick. Thank God. Last Friday, my blood counts came back great. I am seeing the doc tomorrow instead of next week before chemo since he is not going to be in next week.
It was hot this past week and I struggled to wear my wig due to the sweat dripping off my head. I am going to have to figure out a way to keep my head cool in the summer. I know some people can walk around bald but I don’t think that I can.
Thanks everyone that has written me sharing their stories. It means a lot to know that I can we can share experiences.
Wednesday was my third round of chemo, my hubby went with me. Dr. Ellis, thinks that I am tolerating the chemo pretty well and said definitely 6 rounds instead of 4. I do have a lot of fatigue and side effects 5-8 days or so after. He gave me additional nausea medicine called emend. He seems to be helping a lot.
Did not speak to anyone this time around while getting chemo. I was able to get some work done and then fell asleep for a bit. My mother-in-law drove me down to the office yesterday for my neulasta shot (which boosts blood cell production). All is ok so far. I am just going to be sleeping a lot. I have a great job situation that lets me work around my chemo and my office is helping me out.
Thank you so much everyone for your prayers and kinds notes. I really appreciate them. 🙂
I am doing good today. Just a bit tired. Getting ready for my third round of chemo next week. I had some energy to take a few shots today. I know some where hoping I would share. I really can’t believe I am doing this. I really hope that by sharing everything including photos would be of encouragement to someone who would unfortunately have to go through it. oxox

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Phil 4:13 NAS
Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.
Philippians 4:13 – The Message
Photos were added to my post:Â Back to Genetics
Last Friday I got my blood work checked and passed with flying colors. All looked great. I am a third done chemo if I have to go the full course. After next Wednesday, my third round of chemo, I will be half done. I am really glad that I am moving along. My greatest fear is getting sick while on chemo like last time I had cancer but hopefully since the chemo is not so harsh that will be less likely to happen.
It is tough being with out hair. I still don’t like looking in the mirror. My head is cold so I have been wearing two head coverings at home when not wearing my wigs. I really miss my hair.
Thank you everyone who has sent me cards and emails with encouragement and also for all the prayers. I so appreciate it. I want to respond to everyone, thanks for your patience.
I have not had the energy to get myself together for wig photos but it is on my list. It should be fun. Something I can get my daughter Kate to help me with. Goodnight all.
For the last few nights, I have wanted to update my blog but have been tired. Right after my last chemo last Wednesday my energy level seemed to be higher than that of the last round. But then going into the weekend, I got wiped out.   I just got up from a nap and feel a bit better.  The hair on my head was bothering me because half of it still there must be growing slightly and is being pulled by my hats or wigs so I saved it off.   I manged to do it with out looking in the mirror too much.
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to go down to the hospital for a special class for cancer patients called “Look Good, Feel Better”. It is a fun time for some woman to get together which I don’t get to do much of. It was nice because I had something in common with other women that where there – cancer. One of the ladies sitting next to me had cancer for the third time. She had breast twice and now colon. The woman next to her was a harpist for the Pittsburgh Symphony for 33 years until her diagnosis with breast cancer in January.   I was able to share what I had gone through with them to help them out.
The woman leading the class was a cosmetologist with an assistant. As cancer patients, we all received a large red bag of donated top of the line cosmetics. It is a dream. I don’t think too many of us have ever had that much new stuff at one time in our lives (worth about $250). So we practiced putting it on to benefit the cancer patient. We learned how to use the products to our advantage. We then went over how to use different wigs and scarves. It was fun. So when I have no hair in the summer, I have some alternate ways to look decent in the summer months.
If anyone has any cute scarves that may be headed to the second hand store, please think of me. I am going to be collecting some. They need to be at least 36 inch square. The one’s that tie real cute are even bigger with at least 48 inches square. I am sure I can hit the fabric store and check that out when I have some energy. I was thinking of picking up some little bangs to go with the scarves.
Also, as a cancer patient, the American Cancer Society, lets you pick out a wig from a local wig bank. I had the opportunity to go to one on Saturday and got something a little different. It is a cute bobbed style with curly curls.  Once I have some energy, I will sit down and model the different do’s and get some photos. My real wig is nice but a lot of work because you need to keep styling it. It has bad hair days too.
Last night I fell asleep on the couch and kept getting awakened by feelings of needles sticking me everywhere. The chemo does effect the nerves, so I imagine that is part of it. We will have to check with Dr. Ellis on that one.
Otherwise, today just fatigued. Doing pretty good considering the circumstances. Things could be worse.
Today was better than the first round so far. Due to the doctor being behind, we did not get out of there until after 3 pm. I ask them to give me the benedryl slower and the nurse told me that she could cut the dose in half (and it is optional to even take the drug). So I was tired enough to go to sleep but did not get as loopy.Â
When I got home, I had to eat a bunch of tums and crackers to soak up the acid because my stomache was gurlgling arleady. Dr. Ellis said he was sorry that I had all the acid last time. He was surprised that it had gotten as bad as it had. He said to take two prilosec a day to help that. He also gave me some steroid pills to take today and tomorrow to reduce nausea and other side effects.
There was hardly any place to sit – again. We got the last seat in the place. I ended up sitting next to a woman who lived in a town near me, Lower Burell. Her story was that she had lymphoma. She had been in and out of the ER for three years and no one could find anyting wrong with her. Her scans and blood work were clear. She was in pain and kept insisting that something was very wrong. So her doctors went in and did exploratory surgery. That is when they found it. Her lymphoma is not curable but it is treatable. They give her chemo for a period of time and then try to get it to go into remission. If it comes back, she does it all over again. She did not appear to be wearing a wig. Lucky her.Â
She also told me that her 27 year old son had Lukemia when he was three. She thinks it is strange because, there is no history of cancer in her family. The unfortunate thing is that one of her son’s chemo side effect was permanent brain damage. He is not able to work and is limited to things that he can do. If you talk with him you don’t notice it until further in the conversation. His mentality stays at about 15 years old. She is happy to have him alive.  Her and her husband were great talk to.
Tomorrow my mother-in-law is going to drive me to get my neulasta shot.
Normally, I do not read all forwarded emails but here is an encouraging one that I received today. I would quote the author but there is none.
“God’s Wings –
A little something to put things in perspective…
After a forest fire in Yellowstone National Park , forest rangers
Began their trek up a mountain to assess the inferno’s damage.
One ranger found a bird literally petrified in ashes, perched
Statuesquely on the ground at the base of a tree. Somewhat
Sickened by the eerie sight, he knocked over the bird with a stick.
When he gently struck it, three tiny chicks scurried from under
Their dead mother’s wings. The loving mother, keenly aware of
Impending disaster, had carried her offspring to the base of the
Tree and had gathered them under her wings, instinctively knowing
That the toxic smoke would rise.
She could have flown to safety but had refused to abandon her
Babies. Then the blaze had arrived and the heat had scorched her
Small body, the mother had remained steadfast ..because she had
Been willing to die, so those under the cover of her wings would live.
‘He will cover you with His feathers,
And under His wings you will find refuge.’
(Psalm 91:4)”
Author Unknown
Whether it is a true story or not, it is still shows how Christ protects us every day.