May 11 2023

May 11, 2023

Published by at 9:16 pm under Uncategorized

Thank you for your calls, emails, and texts. Those things make a girl feel loved (as well as many other things). Also please keep in mind that I am admitted to St Margaret’s Hospital in Aspinwall/Pittsburgh. I am on some drugs that make me dizzy, cause me to think crazy and produce typos when writing. Below is a summary of some things of recent past and from the last two weeks.

I have been on a wound vac since my surgery for the wound below my right knee in the front, in early February 2023. The wound vac is helping immensely. Although still not healed yet. I have been dealing with the wound situation since May 1, 2021 and the the return of breast cancer since June of 2020. The breast cancer is now Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) and is terminal.

I have several doctors here st St M, and my bone oncologist is at Shadyside in Pittsburgh. A couple of weeks ago, I went to my PCP, Mr Monahan at St M. My right leg, that has all the problems, was considerably larger than the left leg. He sent me over to the hospital for a doppler (ultrasound) – STAT. It was determined that there was no blood clot. Nothing further was done. I had a scheduled appt for Dr Jacobs (infectious disease). Dr J gave me my monthly Antibiotic Treatment Via my IV port. This is a regular treatment right now in attempt to save my leg. My leg has infection in it. If the metal gets infected than there is not much the Dr’s can do. Since I am on Chemo and infusion therapy for my breast cancer things challenging.

Yesterday, 5-10-23, decided to ask to be seen at Dr Jacob’s office. Dr Wang had highly recommended that I go and get my treatment early at 3 weeks instead of 4. After the discussion with Dr. J, and my other physicians, it was decided that In should be admitted over at the hospital ASAP with a bed being available. My chemo/infusion with Dr Lech was cancelled.

Yesterday evening an emergency team was called in to take care of the large lump on my leg. I was awake for the whole thing. The head Dr of the Team took out about 15 CC’s of fluid and Inserted a JP drain. The drain appears to be draining well.

Very early this morning (5-11-23, about 1:45 am) the nurse came in to check my vitals. She said my heart rate went over the limit. The nurse had to call in the floor team that deals with those type of emergencies. I felt totally fine. The staff could not figure out what was going on. It was a strange situation laying there with all these people I did not know, and feeling fine. My leg has been so swollen that I could not bend it to drive and if I tried my leg hurt very bad. I did not know what was causing this issue.

My blood counts have been very low since my last surgery in February 2023. I have not been on the chemo pills called Xeloda (brand name) since a week before that surgery. My last PET scan (4-12-23) scan revealed that the Liver METS were greatly reduced but the Bone METS were up. During February/March 2023 I was given Neulasta shocks to boost my blood count. That did not work.

Since being in the hospital since yesterday morning, my blood counts are still very low. I have been given blood and blood products. More blood was taken today and one of the counts is still low. As I write this, the nurse is giving me antibiotics via my IV/chemo port. Then I am going to get more blood after.

As of this morning at 8 am, I was to be transferred to Shadyside. Some of the paper work was not done on time and/or properly. I am still at St M.

My bone Dr needs to take a look at this wound ( as he has had the same thing in his life ). So he and his team has to review what is going on.

Since there is a lot going on, I will try and update more as soon as I can. I am hoping that will include me leaving the hospital. My husband and his Mom, have been doing a great job doing things that need done at home, I am very independent, so it is hard to ask for help.

My eyes are rolling back into my head here at 9:15 pm Please excuse the any typos,

Love you all!

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