Feb 10 2010

Hair is Gone

Published by at 8:31 am under Hair,Posts With Photos

It was a tough day, yesterday.  I woke up in the morning and decided not to wash my hair knowing that I was attempting to get it cut.  I brushed it very little just to make it look as nice as possible and had to clean the brush out three times.  Hair was falling on the sink.  The harder and more I brushed it or pulled on it, of course, the more came out.   It even got in my mouth during breakfast.  There was really no point in dealing with this length anymore.  I had really passed the point.

Got a hold of Donna at Hairworks this morning.  She graciously took me in before the anticipating snow storm.  Hubby was working from home so he came to take photos for me.  Donna put my hair in a pony tail, braided it and when I was ready clipped it off.  It took several snips since it was thicker than I thought.  I was tearing up as I was getting ready.

Donna trimmed it up short.  It looks good for short hair and she did a great job.  It is not my favorite look for me.  Small hairs are still coming out so I think it was a good time to get it done.  In another 5 days or so it would probably be half gone.  By getting this done now it gave me a nice donation and avoided a big hair mess everywhere.

Donna told me to come back in a week or so or whenever I wanted and she would shave it all the way knowing it would be patchy.  She does not sell wigs there but I found out  that she has gone out with other cancer patients and helped them pick out a wig and they have been so grateful.  She is such a sweet lady and I am really glad I chose her to help me out.

Below are some photos  of my adventurous day and of my wigs.  You can click on a photo to make it bigger.  I did get out last night but wore my hat wig.  I was still not ready for it and my head so sooo cold.  The next thing to do is to style the wigs a bit better as they have been in storage for 3 1/2 plus years.  I was really happy that I could bless someone else with my hair.

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Hair is Gone”

  1. Amyon 10 Feb 2010 at 9:16 am

    Comment Received:

    Morning Amy,

    You have been in my thoughts and prayers a lot since this new turn of bad news has hit you and your family. You are a beautiful and courageous woman, mother and wife. I saw the blog and with or without that hair you are an amazing beautiful glowing woman. I just wanted to share that with you and I will continue to lift you, Chris and the kids in prayer.

    love you-Sonja

  2. mdelposenon 10 Feb 2010 at 9:46 am

    Amy, there is so much beauty shining from you inside and out. As you go through all of this, you are still looking for ways to bless others. My God greatly bless the person who benefits from your kindness. Thank you for sharing you journey.

  3. gurbanekon 10 Feb 2010 at 1:15 pm


    I just wanted to let you know that we are still praying for you as you have to go thru this whole thing.
    You are still such a PRETTY LADY and i mean that from the bottom of my heart.
    You know i am here if you need to talk or a shoulder to cry on.
    Take Care of yourself and God bless!!!


  4. smooreson 10 Feb 2010 at 5:12 pm


    You truly are amazing and inspiring. I really appreciate hearing your “heart” through your blog- the hard stuff, stuff you are struggling with, and the good stuff how God is working through you to be a blessing to others…. I’m even praying for the girl that you mentioned that you had met during your first chemo treatment. You are a truly beautiful woman!!! I will continue to pray for you and Chris and your kids.

    Thanks for posting this blog and allow us to share in this journey with you!



  5. Amyon 11 Feb 2010 at 11:41 am

    From a local sports mom, Kathy:

    I couldn’t agree more with the woman that left messages on your blog Amy. You are beautiful inside and out. I am glad to see that smile on your face, it goes a long way while we go through this process. I tried to laugh as much as possible, I literally think that my surgeon thought I was nuts LOL LOL. Its either laugh or cry…

    You take good care of yourself.

    With all my love and prayers,

    Kathy L