Jan 23 2022
January 23, 2022
it has been interesting since being home. Two medical people during my process came in contact with me and then three days later came down with covid. The same with one of my Christmas time guest. Fortunate to have not gotten anything.
I have had a number of appointments each week, between in home care for my wound and some mild therapy. My head was spinning. So this past week. I went to a Doctor that I dont see very often, the great cancer specialist in Magee, Dr P. She is one of the best in the country. She gets all the breast cancer trials first. She and my main cancer Dr have spoken about treatments during the last year and a half.
They have determined due to my testing that I have two types of cancer HER2- and HER2+. The drip treatments every three weeks help the negative and they have now given me a pill called Fermara (letrozole) which I am to take daily. The cancer that will be fighting is in my spine. If this fails to work then I will need to back on drip chemo (Taxol). Drip chemo takes care of both cancers but it is more toxic.
My last trements of Herceptin and Perjeta was on Thursday. Due to holiday and this last surgery, I did not have anything treatments since December 2, 2021. My Cancer Antigen has been blown off any chart of I have seen so far (of mine). It is up to 1037. In the past my main cancer Dr said he does have people with numbers this high that are doing well. So we will have to see what Dr L (my main cancer Dr) says on this. Will probably have another PET scan in about 3-4 months.
I was in the hospital for my plastic surgery on my leg from Dec 30-Jan 4th. Maybe the longest stay ever for me in a hospital. Due to the long stay and anesthesia, I have been sleeping a lot. Maybe even due to the cancer numbers going up.
Physical therapy is going slow, as I cannot bend my leg until my plastics surgeon approves. I see her on Jan 26th.
Prayers are greatly appreciated.