Sep 15 2021

Wed – Sept 15, 2021

Published by at 2:10 pm under Uncategorized

Things have been moving along. This past week I got a severe cold and lost my voice yesterday and it is still not gone today. My right hip is still cracked based on the pain. Some days are worse than others. Hopefully after the chemo is over that will heal up better and be much less of an issue. The cancer antigen marker is again down since the last reports. One week it did go up slightly. My Doctor says these numbers are good to review but they are not always accurate and do not give a full picture. Not sure what is going to happen tomorrow with this cold – meaning what my blood work will look like or if they should or will give me the scheduled treatment. I have never logged a fever since fighting this bug in the last week plus. Below is my CA from last Thursday 9-9-21.

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