Jan 30 2012
So Much Cancer
There is so much cancer out there, if I stop and take a look at what is going on around me. Without naming names, two close neighbors have had cancer and are still here. Two other neighbors have had it and are gone. A very young man nearby has it and is not expected to make it. Two children, in the last year or so at the elementary school up the road had cancer and one died. A teacher too but not as recent.
Yesterday, I was showing a house to a client in my neighborhood. We have 65 houses in our plan and 72 townhouses when complete. Some how in conversation, they had mentioned they knew one of the neighbors that had died of cancer. I try to meet as many neighbors as I can but never had met this one. They live 5 houses up the street on the same side. They had informed me that she had passed away from cancer – leukemia. I had not heard anyone in the neighborhood mention this so I had looked on the internet to see if there was on obituary. I found the obituary. I was so shocked that I had not heard anyone mention it.
I looked it up because I wondered a bit about who she was and her age and when this all happened. The obituary did not say much. The date of death was April 17th 2009 and her birthday was the same day as mine. She was the exact same age as me and it was the same year I was diagnosed with cancer for the second time.
I know it does not mean anything but just looking at the date was kind of freaky. In all my school years, I don’t recall anyone having the same birthday the same year as me. I wish I could have met her to encourage her. I just had no idea.
I am blessed to be here.