Sep 10 2010

A Visit With My Oncologist

Published by at 11:59 am under Uncategorized

September 8th, I visited my oncologist, Dr. Ellis.  He was just checking in with me to see how things were going after radiation.  I have gotten my energy back.  He had blood work done to see how I have been since chemo has been over as well.

I asked him about drinking soy and he said that the type of hormone pill, Tamoxifen, that I am on now will block any estrogen like properties.  So it really would not matter if I do eat or drink it.  If I end up changing over to another type of hormone then he said I should definitely stay away from it.

He also looked at my planning CT for my radiation that was done in June.  There was a spot on my lung, a nodule that is inflamed.  He said he would not have done anything anyway until now.  So he ordered a follow up CT scan for a couple of weeks from now.  He said it just looks like inflamation not necessarily cancer.  Just as a precaution, he is not scheduling me to have my port out until we find out what the CT scan reports.  Please keep me in your prayers.  Thanks!

He also said if the breast cancer would come back in the same area (not the right side) that it would be incurable.  He said this was the time to cure it.  So I am hoping it is all gone and we can make it past the five years.  If the bone cancer that was in my leg comes back, it will most likely go to my lung, that is why there is a concern with the CT scan.  So just one day at time.

Here is a video of a teacher, Jaime Moran, at our local high school who was also a graduate there too.   She is one of the other cancer patients participating in the photo book project mentioned in my last post.

One response so far

One Response to “A Visit With My Oncologist”

  1. npevereston 13 Sep 2010 at 5:24 pm

    Nice video. I am praying for your next CT scan. As you know, God is by your side always.