Jul 28 2010

Radiation Update

Published by at 9:26 pm under Uncategorized

Today was my 16th day of radiation.  A bit swollen, slightly red and starting to get a bit itchy.  Using Eucerin cream 2-3 times a day.    I saw the doctor today and she said my skin is looking very good considering the stage I am at.  Not as much fatigue this week.  Genetics has got a lot to do with the skin reactions.

Today was my 20th Wedding Anniversary.  Had a great day and went to Hoffstot’s for dinner.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Radiation Update”

  1. gurbanekon 01 Aug 2010 at 9:45 am


    Glad to hear Doc said your skin is looking good and that you have not had as much fatigue this week.
    As i said on phone and i will say it again, you have been truly amazing thru it all. Each and every step and test you take makes you stronger everyday.
    Continued Prayers from Us and my parents and sisters.
    Love, Gwen

  2. npevereston 24 Aug 2010 at 7:43 pm

    Hi Amy, I just caught up on your blog. I am glad your skin is doing well and am so impressed by your endurance and attitude. You are truly amazing. Hang in there! Just got my Shutterfly book for our whole year in Greece. We are enjoying it very much. Did you get your bag yet?