Jun 11 2010
Doctor Visit
Went to visit Dr. Ellis on 6-9-10, Wednesday. Everything looked good. He set up an appointment to discuss my next steps with a radiologist. I will be visiting her the 16th. He said I will probably be undergoing radiation for 6 weeks (every day). Dr. Ellis also prescribed Tamoxifen which I will be taking daily for the next 5 years. This pill will reduce my chances of a recurrence of breast cancer by 30%.
I have pain in my skull on an off on the left front side. I had this before I was diagnosed with cancer for the second time. The PET scan that I had did not scan my skull so to make me the and Dr. both feel better he has prescribed a CT scan on my head and I will have that done before I see the radiologist on Wednesday. The Dr. thinks it could be nerves from my neck but wants to be sure. Hopefully nothing else will be wrong. Prayers are appreciated.
Lets see to start off with prayers are always from me to you. I hope that makes you feel better and puts a smile on your face.
You are constantly on my mind and when i think of you i am the one that ends up “smiling”.
I hope the CT comes back a negative, i know that will be on your mind till the test is done and the results are back.
Sitting here at my computer thinking and a smile came across my face as in a few weeks we will have known each other 1 year and what a rough one it has been on both sides.
But yet there was lots of laughter as well, you said some funny things.
Please continue to take care of yourself and do what the dr says and once again LOTS of prayers are with you as you start the next journey of tests and radiation treatments.
Lots of love and prayers,