Apr 26 2010

The Weekend

Published by at 10:36 am under Uncategorized

This past weekend was my chemo weekend as I call it. It usually hits me hard and I look and feel like I cannot do much. For some strange reason, I seem to have some energy after Wednesday chemo and then the weekend hits and I crash. So this weekend, the family went out of town for sports tournaments. The best thing for me to do was stay home – although wishing I could have gone to take photos. So I had the whole house to myself. Unfortunately, I don’t get much done because I have no desire to read or use the computer much or even clean – no energy -in that state so I end up watching TV (usually HGTV and FoodNetwork). I managed to prepare a few meals and take care of the dogs.

Sunday was great. After church, I just hung out in the backyard on a lounger. I even rigged up a golf umbrella to my daughter’s soccer goal for some well needed shade. It worked perfectly and so did the weather until about 4 pm went the storm rolled in.

Sunday evening I had a fever of 100.2. I was hoping that was just due to hot flashes but took some tylenol and went to bed.

On Wednesday, before my last chemo, Dr. Ellis said he thought I was handling everything great. Party of me was hoping that I would not so he could cut off a treatment or two. The minimum was four rounds and I have had that. But he said since I am young, my body is handling it ok and my counts are great. My mother-in-law drove me down to the doc’s office for my Neulasta shot on Thursday, and we swung in Sam’s Club on the way home.

Another thing that is driving me nuts is my eyelids keep flickering many times through out the day. This is most likely due to the increasing nerve damage from the chemo and/or the steriod pre-meds. I am really hoping that side effect does not stick with me. It is a enough to drive you crazy.

I thought I would have more energy today being Monday after. I think I just have to get moving and get some blood flowing.

One response so far

One Response to “The Weekend”

  1. npevereston 27 Apr 2010 at 9:21 am

    Bummer about the eyelids. I know how you are about eyes, so I will be praying for you about that. Hang in there. Only one more to go!!