Apr 07 2010
Other Side Effects
Yesterday was very hot. Temps got up to 90 in the city of Pittsburgh. After showing homes to a client, my head was sopping wet with sweat due to the wig I was wearing. I had to get home to take my wig off and sop up the major water molecules. I put on the bandanna for the rest of the night even though I was headed out to two soccer games. I got some strange looks but as soon as someone noticed that I noticed they were looking, they looked away. Funny thing is I walked into the rink at the same exact time as a bald woman with a baseball cap on. I felt better I was not the only one.
Not sure if I mentioned previously but part of what chemo does is kill your actively growing cells such as hair, etc . . . Another is ovaries. So chemo puts you in menopause, which has its advantages. I do get sweats and light-headedness.
Today I was at the store with Kate and broke out in a sweat, having to remove my bandanna. I am thinking a bandanna or hat is not going to cut it for summer covering. I am going to be dying of the heat. I think I need to invent a head covering that has air conditioning or a cooling feeling.
I was talking to mom and she said there are bandana’s that you can buy that construction workers actually wear and they come in different colors. What you do is just ice it down in cold water and it lasts for a couple of hours.
Mom used to work at a tool rental place and they sold them there, they are no longer in business but she said for you to look into a place like that maybe our your way or homedepot or lowes may carry something like that as well.
Not sure if that will help you out or not but i just wanted to pass on the info…
Love ya, Me
Hi Amy,
If you have an REI, Eastern Mountain Sports or other hiking store near you…they should sell those bandanas.
I hear they work really well. Hope it helps!
Thanks girls. I will definitely check it out! I also found a special hat in the TLC Chemo catalog at my chemo office. It has a special hat in it for hot flashes with fabric in it that draws moisture away from your your head. I will have to get something here. Thanks! -Amy