Feb 04 2010

Acne Challenges

Published by at 12:58 pm under Cancer Details

Another side effect of chemo is acne.  Just what I need – but really that is, of course, the least of my worries.  So I will deal with it.  I really hope it does not hang around the whole time.  I am trying to increase washing my face to 2-3 times a day and use acne medication.  My Primary care doctor is really great about giving me Retin-A gel and anti-biotic cream for acne (avoiding having to go to a dermatologist).  From ages 13-18, my acne was so bad that I was seeing a doctor regularly about it.  So we are back to the same routine again with face cleanings and medications.  Although, it does not seems to be working all that great.     I will check with Dr. Ellis when I see him for chemo again on February 17th.

If I have the opportunity to run out and do some errands my energy is the best it has been during this cycle but then I start to peeter a bit.  When I get hungry I feel a little sick to my stomach.  A lot of the feelings for this round is like the same being sick when you are pregnant.  Either way, it is not fun.  But things could be much worse.  I am alive and breathing.  Thank God.  🙂

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