Jan 28 2010

Restful Day

Published by at 9:54 pm under Encouragement

I don’t have much energy to write today.  Felt good this morning.  Went to the doctor’s office and had my Neulasta shot to boost my blood count.  Took a four hour nap.  I am really happy to have a full head of hair.  Part of tomorrow’s to do list includes finding out where I can donate my hair as soon as it starts falling out. I think I am going to start crying about that as it gets closer.  At least, I hope it can bless another cancer patient.  The weather was crazy here in the Pittsburgh area today.  Sun and blizzard.  It is so pretty when it snows.

My lovely niece who moved away to the west coast wrote me this:

“Hello Aunt Amy,

How are you feeling? I’ve been reading your blog and I’m glad to know that this treatment is less aggressive than the last. I also wanted to let you know that this year as John and I were filing our taxes the state of Pennsylvania owed us $25 back and in honor of you we decided to donate it to breast cancer research fund. It’s a little donation but maybe it will help lol.

I can’t wait to see you in a couple of days, and the kids. Gosh, they are so grown up now! And I can’t wait for you guys to meet Vincent!

Well, know that John and I pray for you and miss you terribly.

We love you!

Allyson, John and Vincent”

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