Jan 23 2010

Port Install

Published by at 1:49 pm under Cancer Details

Yesterday, was the day that my port was re-installed.  When I got the hospital, they took me in right away in the med unit.  Carol was the nurse who was assigned to me and I said, “Do you remember me? I am back again. :)”  She did and we chatted.  It is kind of scary when you get to know many of the people in the hospital since you have been a patient there so much.  It was the same with the testing, I know many of the technicians, if not their names, then at least their faces.

They got me ready to go up to the surgery room and I was a little nervous.  I told my husband that I am just really upset about loosing my hair again.  He said not too worry because he already knows I look great bald.  I really appreciate his words.  I still want my long hair though.

So by about 11:30 am they took me up to the surgery room.  The doctor who was putting the port in was the same one who took it out in November 2006.  He informed me that I would be getting a smart port this time.  He showed me the device before hand.  I said wow that is big.  I had never seen it last time.  But he informed me that it was actually smaler than the one I had before.  The device is called smart port because it can handle high intensity injections from the CT and MRI machines.  So if I need these tests again, they will not have to find a vain,  just pop it in my port.

I was more comfortable drug wise this time.  I was awake in what they call “twilight”.  Last time, I had to tell them that I needed more local pain killer and anesthesia.  This time they gave me plenty this time around.  The doctor also said I should not have as much pain because he installed it differently then the doctor I had before.  This time they did not cut into my muscle.  It still hurts pretty good but I do think it was better this time around.

It was hard to get out of bed because my left side is still hurting and now my right side has pain.  Hopefully in a few days much of the pain will subside.

My hubby went with me.  I was starving so we got something to eat on the way home.

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